4 Ways Tech Is Transforming Customer Experience in Banking


Traditionally, banks and other financial institutions have been resistant to change in the past. Nowadays, the digital transformation has started to affect this sector as well. After all, why resist something that can be a major advantage, especially in the digital age we live in today. 

The fact of the matter is that banks are starting to realize the potential of technology and the benefits it can provide. But there’s also another side to the coin. 

In other words, it’s not just the banks that are willing to change but the consumers are expecting them to do so as well. And, if you want to serve your customers well, you might as well start by meeting their expectations. With that in mind, here are a few ways tech is transforming customer experience in the banking sector. 

Online banking


Online banking or eBanking has become a popular trend in recent years. Consumers prefer a digital approach to almost everything, not just shopping. Anything that will be more convenient for them is alright in the eyes of the consumers. 

Therefore, technology has allowed banks to provide online services and improve customer experience. You no longer have to go to the nearest bank to do anything anymore. 

Whether it’s a money transfer, applying for a loan, or even consulting with a financial advisor, you can do it online. This makes banks more available to consumers at any time, which is a vital factor in the overall customer experience. 

Convenient location data

Banks are aware that their consumers rely on information to make decisions. Oftentimes, they’ll want to get well-informed before they do anything else. Location data helps improve customer experience in such matters. Therefore, banks can have an efficient location portal in place to help consumers find them more easily, whether in their town or in another country altogether. 

That said, directions to the nearest bank alongside open hours and other relevant information are more than convenient for consumers. This also includes directions to the nearest ATMs. Convenience makes consumers more engaged and more willing to take the desired action. 

Enhanced communication

Communication is essential for customer experience and technology has made it seamless. Banks today offer customer service and support throughout various communication channels. Consumers no longer have to go to the bank in person to get informed. 

As an example, you can now communicate with a bank over email, social media, live chat, phone, and even communicate with their chatbot over a messaging app. 

One of the newest technological additions to the communication world is certainly chatbots. Banks don’t hesitate from using them as they can provide customer service 24/7 while engaging multiple clients at the same time. What’s more, their AI (Artificial Intelligence) capabilities make them as effective as human representatives. 

Improved security


When it comes to personal finances and banking transactions, security is the number one concern from a consumer point of view. If banks want to remain relevant and competitive, the first thing they must do is improve their security. Technology, once again, provides a solution that makes banks more efficient in this matter. 

When consumers can rest assured that their finances, as well as their personal data, are adequately protected, they’ll ultimately become more satisfied with their banks, which is another factor that contributes to the overall customer experience. Banks today use more sophisticated technology to prevent fraud and data breaches, such as biometric scans and multi-layered authentication methods so that they can provide seamless security to their clients. 


The banking sector is finally embracing digital transformation. Technology might be disruptive for banks at first but no one can deny the fact that tech will bring numerous benefits and advantages to banks.