Pros and Cons of Commuting


Commuting is defined as working at different locations, including the workplace, but not at the same time. Telecommuting has its advantages, especially for employees who need flexibility and who are more comfortable with various work and personal routines than they would be if they worked for a company at their home location. It can also be a good choice for employees who are interested in working closer to their home and who enjoy the flexibility that it provides. However, if you are considering commuting or you already work in a commuting environment, you may wonder what is expected of you as a commuting employee.

Saves money

There are some obvious benefits to commuting. For example, when employees commute, many people find that they save money by not having to take their paycheck home. This can save money for some people, especially those who need to have extra money for expenses while they are away from the home they grew up in. Many people also find that it helps them feel more relaxed and less cluttered, especially if they work from home. These pros and cons can sometimes outweigh the benefits, though.

More flexibility

There are some cons as well. One of the most obvious pros to commuting is the freedom it gives you. You have more flexibility and freedom to choose your own hours and work conditions, so you can make sure that you work at the job you are best at. You can work in your pajamas and eat dinner in your pajamas, so there is no reason not to telecommute if you want to do so. You can also take your laptop with you virtually everywhere, so you are more likely to be a successful commuter if you like to keep organized and work on a routine basis. There are, of course, many cons to this as well.

One of the main pros to commuting is that you will have significantly less traveling expenses compared to someone who works in an office space at home. If you telecommute, you can save money on gas just by getting out of the car. In some cases, if you live near a freeway, your commute can be free, too. In addition, you will be saving time by avoiding the overhead associated with driving to and from work. In some offices, you might not even need to wear any type of working clothes, because you will be working in your office space or home. Many commuting jobs require nothing more than a shirt and a tie.

More tiresome

On the other hand, there are many cons to commuting as well. One of the biggest disadvantages to commuting is the fact that you won’t be able to have as much control over the way you work. If you do not get enough sleep and exercise, you will not be as productive as you would be if you worked at an office at home. Also, if you are not comfortable working at home or in an unfamiliar environment, you may not want to do commuting jobs at all.

Less control

As previously mentioned, there are many pros and cons to commuting. If you are someone who likes to control your own life, a remote work position may be for you. You can set your own hours, work when and for how long you like, and you can choose whether to be at home or in an environment that makes you feel comfortable. However, most employees do not like telecommuting for this reason, as they cannot completely escape the routine of the day. If this is the case for you, then you should seriously consider getting a commuting job, as there are many benefits to this type of arrangement.

Other people enjoy commuting so much that they find it more enjoyable than staying in an office. There are even some commuting positions that allow you to work from your home computer. However, there are also many people who dread being away from their home office, as they feel that they lose control of their life. For these people, remote work is not a good option, because they simply cannot function well without being able to contact their home office.

To sum up

As you can see, there are both pros and cons to commuting. The decision really comes down to how you personally want to work and live. If you feel like you can better work-life balance with commuting than with a more traditional office, then you will most likely be happier at the end of the day, regardless of whether or not you wind up having a better work-life balance.